Premium Home Search
We use your list of specifications to make all the calls to see which properties are available for you when you need them. Rest assured that the available apartments and rental homes we provide meet your specific needs and budget. We also go to the properties to take digital photos for you.
As your apartment finder, we will help you make well-informed decisions wherever you are. Most leases can be handled by fax or phone. You can pick up the keys to your new home when you arrive in town.
Advanced Home Search
Choose our advanced search if you only have a day or two to look at properties. In one eight-hour day, we take your list of specifications and make all the calls to see what properties are available and schedule appointments. You can see as many or as few properties as you like. Count on us as your trusted apartment locator to provide an itinerary and directions from point to point.
Basic Home Search
Clients pressed for time will appreciate this service because we can cover three to four neighborhoods in half a day of searching. You can make as many appointments as your schedule and market availability allows. We also provide an itinerary and directions to make your search as fast and hassle-free as possible.
Contact us today to learn how we can best serve you as an apartment finder.