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(202) 362-RENT (7368)

Modern Kitchen


Here is a list of our favorite links about searching for rental homes in the Washington, DC, Maryland and Virginia Areas from The Washington Post, Where We Live section, written by Nancy Simmons Starrs. We hope this list helps you find more information about things to think about when doing an apartment or rental home search. These links have been very helpful to our clients. Contact us if you would like our help in your apartment search. If you have suggestions about other sites to include, send email to apartmentdetectives@erols.com.

How to spot a housing rental scam

Things to be cautious about when searching searching for an apartment.

 What to ask a prospective landlord before signing an apartment lease

Helpful tips to think about when signing a lease.


What you need to know before renting your first apartment

Helpful tips you will need to know when renting your first apartment.


The Pros and cons of renting a basement apartment

Things to think about when considering a basement apartment


Renting from an apartment management group vs. an individual owner

The pros and cons of renting an apartment from a management group vs. an indivividual owner.
